Thursday, October 8, 2009


Update time....

Lots has happened since the last post. First of all, after touring London all day, Nick and I came back to our hostel and our bags we not where we put them, so we went looking around. we found nicks bag with a slit in the top section. Someone clearly knifed his bag. Mine bag was gone altogether. We talked to the hostel people and they looked at the cameras and clearly saw a guy slit nicks bag and then pick mine up and leave. The police couldn't do anything, so i had nothing except what was on me. I was pretty i had to buy everything new again, lucky jarrett's friend tim was there to help us find stores. Tim is the MAN. My DAD is also the man because he gave me a bunch of his clothes later that night when we met them at their hotel. Thanks Dad. It was nice to see my parents before we took off to Kenya.

The bag being stolen has been a blessing in diguise because it has allowed me to spend lots of time reading the bible and praying. I know God is going to do some crazy things on this trip.

We got to nairobi, kenya at like 230 in the morning. i had contacted someone my Dad knew here and they were going to meet us at the airport. After waiting an hour, i called Bella and Richard. They came and got us. They have been the most amazing hosts. Provided us with rides everywhere, food and a place to stay. We have gone to a bunch of malls to pick things up, went out to eat alot, went to see some animals, and just seeing Nairobi as much as possible.

We are kind of just catching up with sleep and just getting used to this culture and lifestyle. Nairobi is crazy. The drivers are nuts...but Richard rules the road, so we are good to go. At 5:00 the roads are crazy with cars and thousands of people walking alongside the road. Its been a great experience so far. Looks like we will be heading out of the city on saturday and we will visit a Maasai village there.

I wish i could put some pics on here...when i have more time I will try.

I also want to say hello to my beautiful new neice Illyana. Congrats Joel and Tanesha.


  1. YA JAMIE!! glad you are eating lots of food!!

  2. 1. So crazy about the bags, challanges to help you rely on GOD forsure.
    2. Africa sounds like a neat place to experience, glad you have some hosts to be with you, keep you safe along the way.
    3. Your parents are so cool to come & see you off in London.
    4. Congrats on being an Uncle.

  3. 1. Have you washed your finger yet?
    2. Yes.... the big finger that you are pointing up to the sky in your profile picture.
    3. Wash your finger.
    4. Say hi to the Maasai people for me.

  4. Jame! What craziness from the start! I'm so glad your keeping a positive outlook about God working in your life on this trip. He's going to do great things and just reveal Himself more and more to you each day. I guess He felt like somebody else needed those big shiny watches more than you did Jame. Be safe. Love ya.

  5. Is that peg leg meg above me?
    if it is...way to own that fantastic name.


    this sounds like a trip planned by God. He really knows how to make a times memorable.
    so cool that you are having all these adventures. those challenges are exactly the ones you shoudl expect when living a life for Him. so you can be comforted by that knowledge we have.

    love the updates. it's like we're all there with you.

    peace and love

  6. You have one beautiful little niece Uncle Jamie, hurry up and come home!!!!!! How about you bringing her a cousin home from Africa?


  7. i bet by the end of this trip you are going to love 'flossing' and swear by it. 2 finger ferg agrees that flossing is an essential part to male development, it just makes things more healthy and comfortable. hope the safari is awesome. happy thanksgiving fellas. and nick i think your wife would really appreciate if you started flossing also, it just might help your marriage. i got three words for you gents- fill in the blanks- _ H _ _ E _ _ D _ _ K _!!

  8. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you two. Rach told me about your bags when you emailed her and I've been praying for you guys and safety and no more thievery.
    I'm sure you will/are learning so much and having a great adventure with each other and with God. Enjoy the challenges and have a blast.
    p.s. I agree with Justin, Nick Rach will really appreciate it if you floss ;) lol
    love ya both


  9. Jamie, I LOVE reading these updates! You guys are entertaining! Praying for you! I love your servant's heart! Enjoy the adventure!
