In Durban we were treated like Kings. Joy, my parents friend, rented us a car and put us up in a B&B. We were not expecting this, but it was awesome to see a woman give and give to us.
On monday we went to the Indian Consulate to get our visas to India. We were leaving in 3 days and this was the only time we could have done it in South Africa. Of course, visas usually take 5 working days, so we could only pray that ours would be a miracle of God. On wednesday we had to leave for Johannesburg to catch our flight the next morning, so we knew we had to get our visa at the end of the day on wednesday, but there was a problem. It was a national holiday and as you know, government agencies will take any chance to get a holiday, but for some reason, it was open that day and we got our visas. Definite workings of the Lord. Praise Him.
We then got a cheap, one hour flight from Durban to Joburg to save some time, slept in the airport and got up to our flight the next morning. We are now in Mumbai India waiting for Justin to arrive in a few hours.
So far India is very populated, dirty, and poverty stricken. Its very sad to see the people here. Most of them sleep on the sidewalks. Its crazy, but more to come on India.
I am going to try to provide some pictures now.
Mike cutting open a bottle
Notice the handle bars and mustaches going on. We have to represent in India
I don't have the talent or time to align every picture. Sorry. Hopefully more to come if time permits.